Sashiko Thread - Olympus Kogin - Solid Color - 142 Flamingo
  • Sashiko Thread - Olympus Kogin - Solid Color - 142 Flamingo
$ 4.50

Olympus Sashiko Kogin Thread - Traditional solid color embroidery threads for Kogin sashiko, embroidery, cross-stitch, sashiko and big stitch. 100% cotton floss.  18m/ 19.8 yards per skein.

If you're looking for a thicker sashiko thread, you'll want to try Kogin sashiko thread.  Kogin sashiko thread is made of six fine stands of soft cotton.  Use all six strands together for a nice thick sashiko look.  The strands can be divided to use smaller amounts of the stands for other embroidery projects.  Three strands will give you more of the standard weight sashiko thread.